The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Almost time

One more week and I think everything can go outside, a good thing too because my squash, cucumber and zucchini are huge. I wanted so badly to put them out this weekend but my mom told me to wait until after the full moon, she said " it doesn't matter what the forecast says you will get one more cold snap" I know she's right, I've lived here long enough to know. I have been putting them outside during the day to harden them off so that when I do put them out it won't be a shock. Thanks to all my gardening friends for all your advice:)
All the things my mom did but I never payed attention, I just loved eating all her hard work ;) but now I realize how much work it really is and I love every minute of it.
I got almost all my yard work done, I found a zone 3 blackberry bush I'm very excited for and also bought a lilac for my husband (he loves lilacs).  It's been a very busy weekend. I also got my raised garden beds planted. My sqaure foot garden plot kinda went out the window, turned more into a spiratic planting of seeds. We will see what happens, lol.  

Sunday, May 5, 2013


I transplanted some of my veggies today.  I have done a lot of reading on what type of fertilizer to use, how much to use, all kinds of different recipes.  I still don't know, so like I always do I take snippets of info and make it my own. 
In my mix I used organic all purpose potting soil, sea soil, vermiculite, bone meal, worm castings and Epsom salt I left out the coffee grounds this time :) As for ratios, I didn't measure.  But I'm thinking it went a little like this,
8 C organic potting soil
3 C organic sea soil
1 C vermiculite
3 Tbs of worm castings
2 Tbs bone meal
1 Tbs Epsom salt
So far all plants seem very happy, I put cucumber, squash, tomato and ornamental corn in this mixture.  I will let you know what happens in the next few days.  Also be very careful when transplanting cucumber or anything for that matter. I accidentally ripped part of the root system of a cucumber plant and it was not happy, I think it will live but it looked very sad and it's leaves it curl a bit.  Try not to disturb the roots to much.