The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Breakfast for a week

I just made these for the first time today. So simple.  Spinach quiche cups, I added onions and fresh basil from my garden. I also used tomatoes from my garden.  It's a nice low carb high fat and gluten free breakfast :)

Monday, August 5, 2013

It's good eaten

Well we are really enjoying the veggies from the garden.  Last night we ate our first cauliflower and I was going to cook it.  My husband usually doesn't like raw cauliflower but one bite of the fresh out of the garden one and he said "nope don't cook it", it was so sweet and tender, one of the best we've ever had.
A couple of days ago I had peas, carrots and garlic shrimp, it was delicious.  Seriously nothing beats fresh veggies out of the garden.  My speghetti squash is looking amazing, can't wait to eat that sucker.  My mom and dad were up visiting for a few days and I put them to work ;) my dad shelled a big bowl of peas for me and my mom helped me deadhead all my flowers.  Unfortunately the sugar daddy peas that I thought you could just eat off the vine are a bit stringy and need to be shelled.  My search for the suger snap pea continues.