The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

My Bees arrived!!

I'm so excited!!!  My bees have arrived!  Of course they will remain in the fridge until May, but still it's so awesome.
These are mason bees, they won't produce honey but will pollinate my garden.  I seem to miss the good pollination every year, and there weren't very many bees around last year so maybe I can add some.
I'm hoping to release them a little earlier so that all my fruit trees get pollinated.  The regular bees don't seem to visit until it's a week to late.
Can't wait to see them do their magic!
I will tell you more about them when I'm not so tired :)
Good night.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Orchid update

Wow, the time really just gets away from ya.  So just a quick update on my orchids.  Both momma and baby are almost ready to bloom, so awesome.  This will be my first phalanopsis rebloom. I haven't used any grow lights of any kind on these orchids since they have been with me, they are about 6 feet away from a south facing window and get about 3 hours of direct morning light.  It's still very much winter here so our sun isn't very potent, I will be moving them back a bit in a month or two.