The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


It's blooming!!

Its only taken two years but my Phal has finally re-bloomed, I had actually forgotten what color it was.  Now I remember why I bought it, she's pretty!

I don't use grow lights for my orchids, or I haven't yet anyway.  I tend to just move them around my living room throughout the seasons to make sure they don't get to much direct sunlight during the day.  Not really a problem right now because we only get about 6-7 hours of daylight, however I have noticed that the days are starting to get longer again.. Yeah!!

I did have to say goodbye to one of my favorite orchids today.  My dendrobium was full of tiny green bugs, I noticed them a few months ago and I have been babying it ever since.  I couldn't get them under control however and finally gave up the battle today.  I'm going away to school for 6 weeks and didn't want to leave the problem with my husband.
I tried everything from washing it, rubbing off the bugs on a daily basis and I even dunked it under soapy water and washing each leaf by hand.  They always returned and now the poor thing looked so sad and defeated that I finally also gave up.  Which really sucks because I hate giving up on plants.  Especially my favorite dendrobium.  If anyone has any suggestions for the future please let me know, the bugs haven't touched any of my other orchids so I'm very thankful for that.

Back to my blooming beauty, It was the last of my orchids to re-bloom.  I'm also happy to report that my baby is ready to re-bloom as well.  This time I think it will have a least three flowers,  the first time it bloomed it only had one big beautiful flower.  Still can't believe I grew a baby orchid. 

Well I'm off to enjoy a walk at our indoor park because it's cold outside, although the sunshine is very inviting.

Happy indoor gardening!