The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Saturday, May 2, 2015


Petunias everywhere!!!

So I thought my petunias did great last year, but they are nothing compared to this year.  I did a couple of things differently and I think it was for the best.

First, I didn't use cow or coconut husk pots. I know it's not environmentally friendly but I used plastic insert trays this year, however I fully intend to use them again.
Secondly I have been fertilizing them steadily with liquid seaweed fertilizer and Gaia Green all purpose 4-4-4.  They seem to really love it and so do my tomatoes.
Third, I've been transplanting them regularly.

I find that using the plastic inserts and pots, the plants do not dry out nearly as quickly and they do fit in my light garden much better which means more plants!  Yeah me!  All my plants seem to be doing better this year with regular fertilizing (not just adding it to the soil) they really do like to feed a lot.  I never realized just how much.

I also started my petunias two months later than last year, I found that by the time I planted them in pots and brought them outside they were a little stunted.  This year I'm hoping to eliminate that problem. I bought seeds rather then keep last years crop, a gardener at a local nursery told me that because most petunias are hybrids and bred to look the way they do that the more times you sow the seeds you keep the less pretty the petunias become.  And he was right, my white petunias started getting pink and stringy, so for petunias I will buy my seeds.  Marigolds however I will still collect :) and pansies too.

I'm really happy with how things turned out in my light garden this year and I'm thinking that this is the way to go for years to come.  Now just to figure out my raised garden beds, lol.  I'm getting there and improving every year, here is a picture of last year (left corner) and this years petunias.  Threw a tomatoe pic in there just cause ;)

Happy gardening!