The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Living greens continued

Happy Sunday 🌱

As I talked about in my previous post I’m growing living greens (microgreens) and was starting a new endeavour.  Well, I’m bringing my living greens and herbs to our local markets and my first market was last weekend.  My greens and herbs were very well received and I am so excited to bring a little green to our otherwise very white area.  As you may know I live in northern BC 🇨🇦 And sometimes throughout the winter months it can very be difficult to get fresh greens here.

What I’m hoping to accomplish by providing living greens is that their shelf life is longer then when you buy sprouts or microgreens from the grocery store.  My greens are still alive and growing when you receive them and have all their nutritients ready to devour when you cut and wash them.  They will easily live happily for a week (or 2) on your counter or table with a little bit of water, but don’t worry about taking care of a houseplant, that’s not what these greens are intended for.

“Cut and eat often” is what these babies are good for, I have three varieties going on my counter at any given time and they are perfect to snip and add to soups, sandwiches, wraps, pizza, salads, nachos or pretty much anything! 

I have another market this coming Saturday and am super excited to be bringing more living greens and herbs!

Have a wonderful week 👩🏼‍🌾

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Living Greens

Hi everyone!

Wow, it’s been a few years since I wrote anything here.  With Facebook, Instagram and Twitter I have forgotten to come here and collect my thoughts,  life also seemed to have sped up these last few years.  I do really enjoy writing however so I thought I would come back and see if I can keep writing  over the winter months, that is if I have actually that much to say.  Wait, who am I kidding, I always have that much to say 😜

So.. living greens you might ask, yes I started growing microgreens (or living greens as I like to call them) about 3 years ago.  What are microgreens (living greens)? Well they are the first little plants that emerge when growing vegetables or flowers, for example kale, radish, Bok Choy, sunflowers, peas, arugula and many more can be grown as microgreens.  You eat these tiny plants (much like sprouts but without the seeds) when their first set of true leaves are visible and they can be put on or in pretty much anything. However, if you are like my husband, he just grabs a pack of pea shoots and munches on them as a snack. They are also extremely flavourful, taste just like their adult version and are also up to 6 times more nutrient dense than their adult counterpart😳.

I love having fresh microgreens (living greens) in my kitchen to add to any dish I’m preparing.  I’m also starting a new endeavour with my greens and if you follow me on social media you already know, but stay tuned and I will write about how my launch goes.

Have a wonderful weekend my gradening friends!