The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

An alternative to stuffing

I know it's not really the season for stuffing but we did just have a long weekend with yummy food, and yes I made stuffing.  Well an alternative to stuffing anyway. I really like this recipe, I hope you will enjoy it too.
This was a big batch to feed 15 or more, although there was nothing left so maybe 10 or more. Lol.

4 butternut squash.  Peeled, gutted and cubed
2-3 Tbsp of apple and sage stuffing spice (epicure) or your favorite stuffing spice.
1/2 c butter cubed
1 Tsp onion powder
1 Tsp sea salt ( to taste )
I'm not a stickler for exacts :)

Place all ingredients in an oven safe pan, cover and cook at 350F for 30min.  Stir then put back into oven for another 30min or until tender :)

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