The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Turkey Pesto Provolone Tacos

So I was in the mood for pesto today, and I really wanted to use my lovely basil plants that I transplanted this weekend.
I bought a small pack of ground turkey, provolone sliced cheese and some romane hearts.  I had everything else at home, my co-workers told me about making provolone taco shells and since I don't eat wheat this seemed to be a perfect taco shell alternative.  For those of you who don't eat dairy, sorry. 
By now you have realized I'm not a stickler for measurements, and again I didn't really measure this so I will try to be close ;)

For my pesto,
Two tops of a basil plant (about 10 leaves) I think more would be better
1/4 C pine nuts
2 Tbsp almond oil ( I just don't like olive )
1Tsp garlic ( I used freeze dried but fresh would be awesome)
Salt and pepper to taste

Like I said not a stickler.
I put the provolone cheese on parchment paper in the oven for 10 min at 350, when they brown take them out and peel them off the parchment paper and drap them over a wooden spoon until cool.
I put all the pesto ingredients in my magic bullet with a little water and let er rip.
Brown your turkey in a pan then add the pesto mixture and let simmer for a few minutes. Cut up your tomato and romane hearts, stuff your taco and wa la!

Saturday, March 8, 2014


Transplanted some herbs today, I started these guys from a little herb starter kit I got from my local nursery.
The basil and chives I started about a month ago and the ginger I started from my kitchen scraps, also about a month ago.  I did what it said to do on Pinterest and wa la, new ginger.
I did start all these guys under my grow lights but I'm thinking you could start them just as easily in a window sill.  For the basil and chives I followed the instructions on the package, and it came with dirt and a little dome to cover them.
Now I will put them in my window sill to make room for more baby plants.
It's almost spring, I can feel it or at least dream it ;)

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Ta Da!

My baby is blooming! And mama is on her way as well.  Very exciting at my house right now, well for me anyway 😉 
So this little guy bloomed in its first year, it will only produce one flower, maybe two.  But it's doing very well and I still can't believe I grew a keiki and then it bloomed, and without grow lights!