The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Saturday, March 8, 2014


Transplanted some herbs today, I started these guys from a little herb starter kit I got from my local nursery.
The basil and chives I started about a month ago and the ginger I started from my kitchen scraps, also about a month ago.  I did what it said to do on Pinterest and wa la, new ginger.
I did start all these guys under my grow lights but I'm thinking you could start them just as easily in a window sill.  For the basil and chives I followed the instructions on the package, and it came with dirt and a little dome to cover them.
Now I will put them in my window sill to make room for more baby plants.
It's almost spring, I can feel it or at least dream it ;)

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