The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Merry Christmas

Feeling a little under the weather today, so what to do?
Write a blog post of course.
With all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season it's hard to take time for yourself and make sure that you're rested and well taken care of.  I think I got a little run down and behold, a cold.

But then again it's a small price to pay for what I got to do this holiday season.  Through my family and my co-workers we adopted two families for Christmas this year, which means we help to make their Christmas a little brighter.  We all know that hard times can fall onto anyone and at any time.  My husband and I don't have any children of our own so it was pretty fun to go shopping for all these little people, 7 of them in total ranging from 4 to 13.  I do have a question though, what's with the monster high dolls???? They're kinda creepy, lol.  But that's all the kids want these days.  

One of the best things about adopting these families has been spending time with our own family.  Going shopping together and having a wrapping party to wrap all the presents, which to me is what Christmas is all about.  Spending time with family and friends. 

So to all of you,  have a very safe, healthy and happy holiday season and may the New Year bring much more love, health and happiness! 

And on a side note my Amaryllis has started to open up!! 


Sunday, December 7, 2014

Aqua Farm Update

I am so happy with my Aqua Farm!  Everything is working excactly as stated, and Perseus (the fish) is doing great.
As you can see I have nice growth on my wheat grass and my lettuce, cilantro and basil are coming up too.  My dill is a little behind but I can start to see the seeds split as well.  I love this little fish tank.
Perseus is quite the little show off, he loves to flash his gorgeous fins at you when you walk by.  I'm thinking of maybe adding a little snail at some point, but for now quite content just watching Perseus swim around!

Happy Sunday everyone! 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Trimming the Tree

I finally got my tree, and she is a beauty!  I love having a real tree, I almost broke down and got a fake tree but just couldn't do it.
I just love the smell of a real tree!  Luckily my husband agrees and said if we are going to have a tree we're going to have a real one.
We picked up our Fraser Fir yesterday and let it thaw out in the garage, it smelled so good when we got home today, I couldn't wait to set it up.

I got all my decorations out and went nuts, listening to Christmas music and dancing in my living room.  Great fun!! 
Hopefully this year my tree lasts longer, we got a grand fir last year and it started dying very quickly. A couple of years ago a got the Fraser fir and it lasted all season, hoping this one will do the same.  They drink a lot in the first couple of days so I have to make sure it always has water.
I had a lot of fun decorating this year and I think it worked out pretty good!

Hope you have a very wonderful and safe holiday season!