The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Trimming the Tree

I finally got my tree, and she is a beauty!  I love having a real tree, I almost broke down and got a fake tree but just couldn't do it.
I just love the smell of a real tree!  Luckily my husband agrees and said if we are going to have a tree we're going to have a real one.
We picked up our Fraser Fir yesterday and let it thaw out in the garage, it smelled so good when we got home today, I couldn't wait to set it up.

I got all my decorations out and went nuts, listening to Christmas music and dancing in my living room.  Great fun!! 
Hopefully this year my tree lasts longer, we got a grand fir last year and it started dying very quickly. A couple of years ago a got the Fraser fir and it lasted all season, hoping this one will do the same.  They drink a lot in the first couple of days so I have to make sure it always has water.
I had a lot of fun decorating this year and I think it worked out pretty good!

Hope you have a very wonderful and safe holiday season!


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