The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Living greens continued

Happy Sunday 🌱

As I talked about in my previous post I’m growing living greens (microgreens) and was starting a new endeavour.  Well, I’m bringing my living greens and herbs to our local markets and my first market was last weekend.  My greens and herbs were very well received and I am so excited to bring a little green to our otherwise very white area.  As you may know I live in northern BC 🇨🇦 And sometimes throughout the winter months it can very be difficult to get fresh greens here.

What I’m hoping to accomplish by providing living greens is that their shelf life is longer then when you buy sprouts or microgreens from the grocery store.  My greens are still alive and growing when you receive them and have all their nutritients ready to devour when you cut and wash them.  They will easily live happily for a week (or 2) on your counter or table with a little bit of water, but don’t worry about taking care of a houseplant, that’s not what these greens are intended for.

“Cut and eat often” is what these babies are good for, I have three varieties going on my counter at any given time and they are perfect to snip and add to soups, sandwiches, wraps, pizza, salads, nachos or pretty much anything! 

I have another market this coming Saturday and am super excited to be bringing more living greens and herbs!

Have a wonderful week 👩🏼‍🌾

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Living Greens

Hi everyone!

Wow, it’s been a few years since I wrote anything here.  With Facebook, Instagram and Twitter I have forgotten to come here and collect my thoughts,  life also seemed to have sped up these last few years.  I do really enjoy writing however so I thought I would come back and see if I can keep writing  over the winter months, that is if I have actually that much to say.  Wait, who am I kidding, I always have that much to say 😜

So.. living greens you might ask, yes I started growing microgreens (or living greens as I like to call them) about 3 years ago.  What are microgreens (living greens)? Well they are the first little plants that emerge when growing vegetables or flowers, for example kale, radish, Bok Choy, sunflowers, peas, arugula and many more can be grown as microgreens.  You eat these tiny plants (much like sprouts but without the seeds) when their first set of true leaves are visible and they can be put on or in pretty much anything. However, if you are like my husband, he just grabs a pack of pea shoots and munches on them as a snack. They are also extremely flavourful, taste just like their adult version and are also up to 6 times more nutrient dense than their adult counterpart😳.

I love having fresh microgreens (living greens) in my kitchen to add to any dish I’m preparing.  I’m also starting a new endeavour with my greens and if you follow me on social media you already know, but stay tuned and I will write about how my launch goes.

Have a wonderful weekend my gradening friends!

Saturday, May 2, 2015


Petunias everywhere!!!

So I thought my petunias did great last year, but they are nothing compared to this year.  I did a couple of things differently and I think it was for the best.

First, I didn't use cow or coconut husk pots. I know it's not environmentally friendly but I used plastic insert trays this year, however I fully intend to use them again.
Secondly I have been fertilizing them steadily with liquid seaweed fertilizer and Gaia Green all purpose 4-4-4.  They seem to really love it and so do my tomatoes.
Third, I've been transplanting them regularly.

I find that using the plastic inserts and pots, the plants do not dry out nearly as quickly and they do fit in my light garden much better which means more plants!  Yeah me!  All my plants seem to be doing better this year with regular fertilizing (not just adding it to the soil) they really do like to feed a lot.  I never realized just how much.

I also started my petunias two months later than last year, I found that by the time I planted them in pots and brought them outside they were a little stunted.  This year I'm hoping to eliminate that problem. I bought seeds rather then keep last years crop, a gardener at a local nursery told me that because most petunias are hybrids and bred to look the way they do that the more times you sow the seeds you keep the less pretty the petunias become.  And he was right, my white petunias started getting pink and stringy, so for petunias I will buy my seeds.  Marigolds however I will still collect :) and pansies too.

I'm really happy with how things turned out in my light garden this year and I'm thinking that this is the way to go for years to come.  Now just to figure out my raised garden beds, lol.  I'm getting there and improving every year, here is a picture of last year (left corner) and this years petunias.  Threw a tomatoe pic in there just cause ;)

Happy gardening! 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

It's been to long

It's been two months since my last post!!!

Well I do have a good reason, I was in school for 6 weeks for work.  I'm doing an apprenticeship for gas fitting, I know I know, what am I doing being a gas fitter and trying to be a gardener?  Well a girls gotta eat and I can only grow food for about 4 months out of the year here :) and as much as I wished that organic gardening would pay the bills, it doesn't. 

Back to gardening though, I've been really busy.  I started even more of my own flowers this year starting with petunias (of course), marigolds, snapdragons, dichondra, wishbone, alyssum, lobelia, coleus, violas and pansies just to name a few.  I transplanted today, I have really been missing playing in the dirt.

I also transplanted tomatoes today, I really don't know what I am doing wrong with them though.  I know that they don't like to have their roots played with but when I was done with them they looked so unhappy I'm sure I'm going to loose a few of them.  I tried to take as much dirt as possible so I didn't disturb the roots to much but still all the leaves crinkled and the plants are really droopy. I don't remeber having this much trouble with them last year.

I got my greenhouse this year! I'm so excited, we put it up yesterday on my deck.  I posted pictures on my facebook page, and today we had 70km/hr winds and it stood up nicely. I can't wait to start putting things in it! I got it from Veseys, they were the cheapest and I got it within two weeks from across the country. I have to say I've really enjoyed dealing with them, they have always been very helpful and both my light garden and greenhouse arrived in great shape, and you gotta love the 5 month interest free payment plan! 

My tulips and crocuses are up, the crocuses have already bloomed and my tulips by the house will hopefully bloom in the next couple of weeks.  All my trees and shrubs look good and my raspberries are doing well too.  I'm so ready for spring! 

Ok, that's enough for now :) will try to keep up with my blogging now that things are settling down a bit (I hope) lol.  Happy Sunday, and happy gardening.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


It's blooming!!

Its only taken two years but my Phal has finally re-bloomed, I had actually forgotten what color it was.  Now I remember why I bought it, she's pretty!

I don't use grow lights for my orchids, or I haven't yet anyway.  I tend to just move them around my living room throughout the seasons to make sure they don't get to much direct sunlight during the day.  Not really a problem right now because we only get about 6-7 hours of daylight, however I have noticed that the days are starting to get longer again.. Yeah!!

I did have to say goodbye to one of my favorite orchids today.  My dendrobium was full of tiny green bugs, I noticed them a few months ago and I have been babying it ever since.  I couldn't get them under control however and finally gave up the battle today.  I'm going away to school for 6 weeks and didn't want to leave the problem with my husband.
I tried everything from washing it, rubbing off the bugs on a daily basis and I even dunked it under soapy water and washing each leaf by hand.  They always returned and now the poor thing looked so sad and defeated that I finally also gave up.  Which really sucks because I hate giving up on plants.  Especially my favorite dendrobium.  If anyone has any suggestions for the future please let me know, the bugs haven't touched any of my other orchids so I'm very thankful for that.

Back to my blooming beauty, It was the last of my orchids to re-bloom.  I'm also happy to report that my baby is ready to re-bloom as well.  This time I think it will have a least three flowers,  the first time it bloomed it only had one big beautiful flower.  Still can't believe I grew a baby orchid. 

Well I'm off to enjoy a walk at our indoor park because it's cold outside, although the sunshine is very inviting.

Happy indoor gardening!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Bonsai update

It's been a little while since I wrote an update on my Bonsai, it's actually doing really well.  I did however loose the little cedar tree I had growing with it.
I'm not quite sure what happened to it but it started to slowly dye and then it just lost all its needles.  I thought maybe I had let it dry out to much but the lemon tree was thriving.
I did find some spider mites in my lemon tree so I'm not sure if that had something to do with it.  Because of the spider mites I did have to give the lemon tree a huge haircut and I really cut the bulk of it out.
You know what they say is true about confidence when you are pruning a tree, you really do just need to go for it.  So I did.
I'm liking the shape much better now and hoping for new growth, I think the topmost branch is almost long enough so I can trim it off.  I'm not quite sure about the lowest branch but for now I'm going to keep it where it is.
I like how quickly the lemon tree grows so if you make a mistake it's not really that bad and will just grow back.  I think it's a great beginner plant for anyone who would like to get into the art of Bonsai.
I'm a total newb and I enjoy working with the lemon tree, also it doesn't hurt that the tree didn't cost me anything because I started it from a grocery store seed.
It will never produce fruit (I don't think anyway) but it's still pretty and a good way to learn.  All the branches are now wired except for one on the back of the tree, it was just to small for the wire at the time.  I will wire it soon however or cut it off, I haven't decided yet.
On a side not, all my spring catalogs have been coming in and I'm drooling and really ready for spring. Especially with this unusually warm weather we have been having, but I know the worst is yet to come because it always does :)

Happy indoor gardening!

Sunday, January 18, 2015


My herbs are doing great, I have three batches on the go all about a month apart.
One batch is in my kitchen window, one batch is in my Aqua Farm and my last batch is in my light garden downstairs.
I think I may have to seed them a little thicker next time, I'm not sure why but I tend to spread out the seeds to much.  I'm kinda following the sowing instructions on the package but because they are not going into the garden and I will be harvesting them fairly young I think I can sow them a lot closer together.
The only one that's not doing fantastic is my parsley, it's in the light garden and it seems a little sad. I started fertilizing it a bit and it was suggested to me that it might be to warm in there for it so I may move it into a window.
I can't wait to start eating my own herbs again.  I'm already just itching for spring, unfortunately I have another 4 months to wait but I'm hanging in there.  I think it's time to take my weekly trip with my friend to the local nursery again soon!

Happy indoor gardening!