The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Bonsai update

It's been a little while since I wrote an update on my Bonsai, it's actually doing really well.  I did however loose the little cedar tree I had growing with it.
I'm not quite sure what happened to it but it started to slowly dye and then it just lost all its needles.  I thought maybe I had let it dry out to much but the lemon tree was thriving.
I did find some spider mites in my lemon tree so I'm not sure if that had something to do with it.  Because of the spider mites I did have to give the lemon tree a huge haircut and I really cut the bulk of it out.
You know what they say is true about confidence when you are pruning a tree, you really do just need to go for it.  So I did.
I'm liking the shape much better now and hoping for new growth, I think the topmost branch is almost long enough so I can trim it off.  I'm not quite sure about the lowest branch but for now I'm going to keep it where it is.
I like how quickly the lemon tree grows so if you make a mistake it's not really that bad and will just grow back.  I think it's a great beginner plant for anyone who would like to get into the art of Bonsai.
I'm a total newb and I enjoy working with the lemon tree, also it doesn't hurt that the tree didn't cost me anything because I started it from a grocery store seed.
It will never produce fruit (I don't think anyway) but it's still pretty and a good way to learn.  All the branches are now wired except for one on the back of the tree, it was just to small for the wire at the time.  I will wire it soon however or cut it off, I haven't decided yet.
On a side not, all my spring catalogs have been coming in and I'm drooling and really ready for spring. Especially with this unusually warm weather we have been having, but I know the worst is yet to come because it always does :)

Happy indoor gardening!

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