The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Aqua farm update

As I've said before I really love the Aqua Farm, so I thought I would give you an update on how things were going.

So far so good, Perseus is happy and the water is very clean.  I haven't cleaned the tank yet and the plants are doing well except that I didn't have enough light for the herbs.
They became very leggy as you can see in the picture.  So I added a little light over top of the tank to hopefully help with that problem.

My wheat grass is also looking a little sparse but that's because my cat Zeus (yes I have a thing for Greek gods, lol ) helped himself to it and ate most of it.
I have noticed that since I put the light up the plants have straightened out.

I have planted some strawberry seeds, we will see if they make an appearance :)
I also have been oogling over all the new seed catalogues!  I CAN'T WAIT FOR SPRING!!!

Happy indoor gardening! 

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