The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Sunday, January 18, 2015


My herbs are doing great, I have three batches on the go all about a month apart.
One batch is in my kitchen window, one batch is in my Aqua Farm and my last batch is in my light garden downstairs.
I think I may have to seed them a little thicker next time, I'm not sure why but I tend to spread out the seeds to much.  I'm kinda following the sowing instructions on the package but because they are not going into the garden and I will be harvesting them fairly young I think I can sow them a lot closer together.
The only one that's not doing fantastic is my parsley, it's in the light garden and it seems a little sad. I started fertilizing it a bit and it was suggested to me that it might be to warm in there for it so I may move it into a window.
I can't wait to start eating my own herbs again.  I'm already just itching for spring, unfortunately I have another 4 months to wait but I'm hanging in there.  I think it's time to take my weekly trip with my friend to the local nursery again soon!

Happy indoor gardening! 

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