The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Storing your seeds

So I saw this on Pinterest and thought, what an awesome idea.  I have in the past been known to throw out the extra seeds that I don't use, or I put them somewhere and forget where they are and re-buy them.  But if you have an old cd storage book (you know, the ones with the plastic pages where u insert 4 cd's per page in that little sleeve), well works great for seed packets :).  I didn't have one kicking around so I went to my local dollar store and picked one up for $2.00, it's nothing fancy but will do the trick.  Since I already started buying seeds for this spring I needed somewhere to put them, and I love this idea.  
I also went to my local nursery to check on the babies,  they're doing great ;) and of course I did not come home empty handed.
New orchid!!!  Yeah!!

Friday, February 22, 2013


So a little while ago I wrote about my poor little tomato plant.  Well, seems its still kicking and after a haircut and an Epsom salt bath it started blooming again and today I noticed a little tomato.  The whole plant is full of buds again, I really didn't think it would continue to produce fruit over and over again.  So if you would like to grow some fruit year round keep a tomato plant indoors.  I have left mine in a south facing window all winter and it only had about 1-2 months where it didn't produce fruit. That may also have been my fault because I wasn't very nice to it for awhile ;)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Valentines day breakfast

Good evening everyone :). I know this is a little late but i found these cute heart shaped cucumbers at the grocery store and just had to eat them.  They were actually very tasty.  I'm so excited to grow some cucumbers this year, I've even bought my first pack of seeds.  Hoping to go to my local nursery again this weekend and see all the baby plants.

Anyway this was breakfast shortly after valentines day,
1 egg
2 strips of bacon
1/4 C blueberries 
1 heart shaped cucumber
And a Tbsp of salsa mixed into my egg

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Gone for a week

Sorry guys,  but I was in Vegas all week.  What a blast, I really love Vegas and we went with a great group of friends so that's always awesome.  Just wanted to say hi and that I'm still here ;)  but I am recovering today in my PJ's so I will write more tomorrow.  Have a wonderful Sunday!!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The nursery

I did go to my local nursery yesterday, and like always had a wonderful time.  Like I said they start some of the seedlings in February so I went and spent some time with the babies :)
I have to admit, being there is my happy place.  It completely calms me after a hard day at work or just a lovely Saturday morning, it's just such a peaceful place to be.
I looked through the veggies to see what I wanted to plant this year, I think I would like to try square foot gardening.  I find it an interesting concept and since I don't have a huge amount of space garden boxes are the right choice for my back yard. 
I do like the idea of pest confusion by planting different plants together, since I would like to keep my garden as organic as possible I will not be using conventional pest control methods.
I will try all organic solutions and I will be ordering ladybugs again.  They were fantastic last year, I had them in my house for my herbs.  They just hung around my herbs and windows and never moved to interior of my house, and they are just fun to watch.
So I leave you with a nursery shot :). Happy Sunday!

Friday, February 1, 2013

It's Friday

Yeah!! It's Friday.  Not much going on tonight, but I think it's time to start heading to the local nursery tomorrow.  I know, I know, it's way to early but they start the seedlings in February and it's fun to watch them grow up :)
And besides it makes me feel like spring is just around the corner.
Well I will write tomorrow about how wonderful it was ;) night!