The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Collecting seeds

So I was trying to figure out how to store my seeds nicely and to see exactly what colour flower is in the packet. This is what I came up with.  I went to the dollar store and bought small plastic re sealable bags, they didn't have the small brown envelopes so I went to staples and bought those there. They were a little more expensive then I would have liked them to be but I did get 250 of them so they will last me awhile ;)
Last year I just put my collected seeds in plastic ziplock bags, but I wanted to do something a little prettier this year.  I haven't collected to many seeds yet this year but I did collect a few pansies. So the flowers in the picture are from the seeds I collected last year and so are the seeds. I'm hoping to collect more seeds this year and maybe some veggies too, we will see.
Ok back to the envelopes, I cut some of my blooming flowers and layed them flat in the plastic bags and sealed them. Then I took what I had left of my seeds from last year and put them into the brown envelopes. I taped the plastic bags onto the envelope and wrote on the back what it was. So along with the text there is a visual as well.
I just hope they dry nicely, the bags are not airtight.

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