The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Look what I found.  That's right, one lonely little cucumber.  I had just about given up on getting any cucumbers this year, the cucumbers I planted in my garden boxes got overrun by other plants and didn't flower.  But one of my cucumber plants I planted on it own in just a plastic container flowered and I have one cucumber on it.
I think next year I won't start them early, I will plant them directly into their own boxes outside and there they will stay.  The squash wasn't quite as finicky as the cucumber so I might start them again. So far I'm very happy with how my first year of gardening has turned out, I will change a few things for next year but I'm loving being able to eat food that I've grown. 

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