The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Been awhile

Hey guys!  Sorry it's been so long, I had a very busy but amazing summer.  A little update on my garden. It was fantastic, the veggies were amazing and tasted fabulous.  I will change a few things though, I will still put peas in the back row, but will plant a lot more carrots, beets and radishes.  I will keep the squashes out of the beds and put them in their own containers :). 
I had a decent hall of apples this year, and they tasted very sweet and crisp. I ate them all! This was my third summer with this baby honey crisp apple tree and I had about 15 apples this year.
I'm hoping to be back here a little more frequent now that things have slowed down, have a good night! 

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