The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Update on my baby orchid

I have an update on my baby orchid.  So earlier this year (I think it was early March) my orchid grew a keiki off its old bloom spike.  I was so excited because everyone I asked about it had never been able to grow one before, and here I was hoping to just not kill the thing and it grew a whole new plant for me.
I have now expanded my orchid collection to 6, one of which is a gorgeous light purple dendrobium, the rest are phalanopsis orchids. All are doing really well.
So this is my keiki in the picture and you can see its stages of growth, now I'm really excited because with any luck it will come full circle.  In the bottom right picture you can see a tiny bloom spike starting ( I've marked it with a red arrow), I'm so excited!!  The blue arrow is where you can see the cut bloom spike from the mother plant.
It's doing very well and I can't wait to see it bloom, I'm not using any grow lights just the good old sun :) oh and momma is also producing another bloom spike!

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