The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Sunday, April 13, 2014


I'm not afraid to admit it, I don't like fish.  However I'm always willing to try new things.
So I've been asking friends and co-workers what type of fish to eat that doesn't have that really fishy taste.
Halibut seemed to be the one that kept coming up, now I know what you're thinking, how could you not have tried Halibut yet!  Well I was sure I've eaten it, but then when I thought long and hard on it I don't think I ever have.  I love lobster and crab just not a fan of fish.
Well I decided to try it out, so I bought myself a nice little halibut steak and this is what I did.

Placed the halibut onto a piece of parchment paper and seasoned it with,
And butter
As you guys know I'm not a measurement kinda a gal so I sprinkled a bit of everything on it, and it was about a tablespoon of butter.
I closed the parchment paper over the fish and put it in the oven for about 20min at 400 or until it flakes under your fork.
I sautéd some spinach with butter and pepper and wa la, dinner.  Now I have to say, I would definitely eat this again, so if you don't particularly like fish but want to eat it (because it's good for you) then halibut is a good choice.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Petunias are blooming

Sorry I haven't been doing the step by step on my petunias this year, but they pretty much went the same as last year.  With one exception of course, the light garden!!
So this year my petunias look fantastic.  They are nice and full and not leggy at all, for me it was a great investment.  And since they are selling plants my size for $3.99 at the local nursery I have about  $150.00 dollars worth of petunias, all of which I collected the seeds from last year.
I also have about  30 snapdragon plants and I planted 40 marigolds today, so I figure I will get my money back out of it within 3 years. Maybe even sooner but to be perfectly honest, I don't care :) I love starting my own plants, it's my very happy place so to me it's worth every penny.
I forgot to mention the pansies, dahlias, herbs, eucalyptus, forget me nots, lavender, carrots, cucumber and tomatoe. Lol. Although my cucumber doesn't love it under the lights, it grows a couple of leaves then they dry up and fall off.
The carrots are doing well, I was trying to see if I could grow them through out the winter.  Not sure if I want to do that, since there are plants I can start in January I might forgo veggie growing in the winter.
I might just do micro greens and herbs.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

In full bloom

Yeah!  They are both in full bloom, and I actually have one of my other phals sending out a bloom spike from an old spike.
I have had to move them back from the south facing window so they don't receive direct sunlight anymore.  It was getting to much for them and the leaves were burning a bit.
Our days are getting longer now and the sun is starting to get its kick back for the upcoming spring. But still no artificial light for these guys, all natural sunlight! 
I say upcoming spring because is was -20 this morning :( I'm really anxious for it to get warm outside.