The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

First radish harvest

I got home from a weekend of camping, unfortunately I was sicker then a dog :( and my radish's had exploded!
I am so excited, they taste great too.  So I yanked out the biggest ones and ate a couple and put the rest on the fridge.
The rest of my garden is doing well but with the cold snap at the beginning of June I had to replant my cucumbers which are coming up again now.  I lost them all :(

But I'm excited to be eating things from my garden already :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Mosquito planter

So another Pinterest idea!
I planted a mosquito planter for my deck, I have to say the citronella geranium smells devine.  I used all the same plants that they said to use on the website, except my lemon grass wasn't big enough for the planter and I got two varieties of lemon thyme.

I really love this planter but with the exception of the citronella geranium it stinks, lol. 
My purple ageratum is a little lost in the middle but otherwise I'm quite happy with it.

This is the website I got this idea from

We will see if it actually keeps the little buggers away ;)

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Fairy Garden

So I've been working on my fairy garden for a few years now and every year I add a few new things.  It's mostly made up of succulents and creepng thyme.
I do have some pansies and I believe English moss in there, and a few other things that I have collected along the way :)

This year my creeping thyme grew perfectly into my fairy house that I made from drift wood, I think I have an earlier post about the house.
I couldn't have planned it better myself, the fairies sure know what they are doing ;)
It's starting to take shape, I'm thinking a couple more years and it will be full.

I'm hoping to throw some more posts up shortly, I've been really busy and enjoying myself this summer so far.  I picked up a new hobby that I will write about shortly :)