The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Ground Cherries

This is the first year I have ever grown ground cherries.  I'm not sure what to expect but from what I've read about them they are supposed to taste a little like pineapple.
They are coming along quite nicely, I put two plants in about a 12" pot and filled it with my regular mix of organic potting soil, eggshell powder, epson salt, worm castings, sea soil and sheep poop.
I have fertilized the pot once with an organic fish fertilizer just recently, I did all my pots with it.

I think I might just plant one to a pot next year cause they are stretching quite a bit now but they still seem quite happy.
The rest of my garden is also doing good although I did loose my last row of radishes to root maggots :( so far they haven't touched anything else *fingers crossed* 

But anyways I can't wait to try them!

Monday, July 7, 2014

The primal wienie

I love camping..  Everything about it, I love the campfire, the great outdoors, paddle boarding and of course cooking a wiener on an open fire.
But not having a bun to put it on has been a bit of a change for me.  Since going primal two years ago things haven't always been easy, and saying I don't eat gluten or indulge in a piece of cake evey now and again would be a flat out lie. I totally do but also pay for it later.
I try to live the best I can with the 80 20 rule, that doesn't always work but I think I'm pretty close.
I have to admit I feel much better not eating wheat and when I fall off the wagon I really feel it in my bones, my skin and of course the waistline.
So what to do.. Well for me romain lettuce is the answer, works great so all your fixings stay in one place and you don't have to worry about the bloat factor.
Now not saying that processed hotdogs are great for you, but what's camping without the wiener :)
Btw this is romain lettuce out of my own garden!