The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Saturday, October 11, 2014


So while continuing my fall cleanup I had a really hard time throwing my lemon trees away.  I've had these lemon trees for about five years now, they do not produce fruit.  Probably because I grew them from grocery store lemons.
Every fall I haul them into the house and keep them for the winter, and every year they are full of spider mites, and every year I regret bringing them back in.  This year was no exception.
As I stood there staring at them I still couldn't bring myself to throw them out, so what to do.  Well I decided to get rid of one and turn the other into a Bonsai.
I have never had a bonsai nor do I know what to do with one but I figure why not, then I can keep my lemon tree and hopefully it will live.
It was about 2 feet tall but it had a nice little cluster of leaves about 8" from the roots so I cut just above that cluster of branches and leaves and wa la, bonsai... I hope.
I uprooted the whole thing and washes all the roots and the entire plant before bringing back inside, I had also bought a mini evergreen about a week ago and thought it would look nice in the pot with the lemon tree.
Now I wait, I hope it works out.  I think I'm going to be doing a lot of youtubing and reading about bonsai's :)

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