The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Digging up my Glads

I didn't realize I had so many ;)
But I finally have most of my gladiolus dug up and ready for storage.  I placed quite a few in a shallow cardboard box and sprinkled some of the hamster bedding in it.  I didn't wash them or dust them with anything because I didn't last year either, so far it hasn't been an issue.
If for some reason I do get a fungus in my stash I will make sure that I don't put them away without dusting them with anti fungal dust again.  Right now I don't use anything like that because I have a dog with really bad allergies and sensitivities so I don't have anything like that in my house.
I still have a good day or so of clean up and then I'm done for the winter. Which is good because I've just about had my fill of clean up.
If anyone has any other methods or suggestions please feel free to leave your comments.

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