The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Digging up bulbs and tubers

I started digging up some of my dahlia tubers and lily bulbs. Our zone is too cold to keep them in the ground for the winter, we can get away with 3b but that's about it.
I'm happy to report that all my tubers and bulbs multiplied this year, I'm especially very excited about the calla lilies.  I just hope they will winter nicely, I've never wintered calla lilies before.
My gladiolus's did great last winter, I through them in a paper bag with nothing else in it and they all did great. Last year I put my dahlia tubers in paper bags with moist peat moss but realized that they dried out quickly.  I lost a couple and when I realized how dry they were I was misting them every two weeks, sometimes more.
So this year I put my glads in vegetable bags with moist peat moss and hopefully that will keep them hydrated a bit longer, but I will check on them a bit more often.
My calla lilies I put in paper bags with hamster bedding (soft wood chips) and I will do the same with the glads. Hopefully all goes well this year, I really don't want to replace to many bulbs and tubers.

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