The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Zucchini Chips

I found a recipe for zucchini chips on Pinterest and decided to give it a whirl.  But instead of  baking them I decided to deep fry them in coconut oil.
Worked out really good, a few of them were still a little mushy but still tasted great.  I made them with sea salt and then another batch with icing sugar, I do like my sweets :) I think I might try baking them next time though.
So here is what I did.

In a large skillet heat enough coconut oil to cover the bottom over low medium heat
Wash your zucchini and slice thinly 
When oil is hot place slices into your skillet ( careful, it splashes)
When they start turning brown, flip them
Let them hang out for another couple of minutes then remove onto a plate with paper towel
Tongs work really well
After oil is mostly absorbed in the paper towel throw them in a bowl and sprinkle your favorite seasoning on it. Enjoy! 

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