The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Monday, September 1, 2014

My melons

Yeah! My first melon.. 
This is the first year I have grown melons, not sure if it will finish this year though.  Our weather has started to turn and you can definitely feel fall in the air.
These guys also got a late start, I did start them indoors in my light garden but they received some frost in early June.
They pretty much died off to the ground and started again, but when the hot weather finally did hit they grew very well.
This is a sugar baby melon, I thought I would give it a whirl.  I planted it in a 1'x1'x1 pot with my normal mix that I do for almost anything (the mix is in another post), and it seems to be doing quite well. I'm very interested to taste this sucker :)

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