The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Bird house

Wow time flies when your having fun, I planted my garden (in raised beds) I will take some pictures when everything is up.  Everything is now outside, my cucumbers and 2 of my squash are a little sad, I'm hoping that they will recover. Hopefully next year I will have a green house and they will stay inside. My tomatoes that I started from seed are very happy to be outside and I planted them with basil, I read it helps deterr pests and makes the tomatoes taste better. 
I also put all my petunias and snapdragons outside (the seeds that I started and collect from my plants last year).  They are doing great.  I will continue to collect seeds, the germination rate for my own seeds was 95% vs the store bought seeds at about 65%. However that was flowers only, my store bought veggie seeds were fine.
On another note my brother in-law made me a bird house and I painted it today.  Now just have to put it outside and it will be ready from some occupants :)
I've been very busy and loving every minute of it.  Hopefully I will have some time to write again soon.

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