The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

I'm a gardener now ;)

Lol, well sort of.  So here is a little update of everything that's been going on in the garden front.  My petunias are blooming, my snapdragons are about too and everything else is doing great.  
Now for the veggie garden, I didn't have any luck with my own kohlrabi or lettuce (starting them indoors) however once I just planted the lettuce seeds outside they came right up. I ended up buying a couple of packs of kohlrabi from my local nursery, and they just exploded once I put them in the garden boxes. I did make a boo boo in one of my boxes, actually I'm sure I've made several ;) but live and learn.  I planted my peppers with my kohlrabi thinking they would grow with them and since they were bigger I figured it would be alright. Not.. Like I said the kohlrabi exploded and my poor little peppers are now not getting any light.  So I may be moving them very shortly, I just don't know where too.   I think I'm alright the the other box. I tried to make sure I planted taller things in the back and smaller things in the front.  We will see.  We have been getting a lot of rain showers daily so I haven't had to water much, which is awesome. But we do need a few good days of sun.
I have to say I love my garden boxes, my father in-law made them for me and they rock.  No bending over of any sort.
Well I will keep you posted on my progress.  Oh I have been finding ladybugs and putting them in my boxes, I have aphids on my peppers.  So far they have been sticking around, but if they can't get a handle on them I may try a couple of the natural remedies I have found on Pinterest :)
Happy gardening!! 

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