The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Thursday, March 7, 2013


I decided to check on my dahlia's and calla lily that I dug up last fall, I had put them in a plastic veggie bag (the ones that have tiny air holes in them).  I dried them and put the in the bags with peat moss then stuck them in the bottom of my broom closet. I had forgotten about them until last weekend when I started my seedlings so I went and got them out of the closet. Unfortunately I lost the lily,  I think there was too much moisture in the bag. But my dahlia's had little feelers coming out of the bag and looked quite happy.  I decided to pot them because I want to try propagating them from cuttings.  I separated the tubers a bit from one plant and just put the other in dirt, the whole one started to grow right away, the others not so sure.  We will see as time goes on. I'm very excited if I can get them to propagate because I love these dahlia's, they are the smaller ones that only grow to about 8-12" and are covered with blooms all summer.  These ones are purple and orange, fingers crossed :)

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