The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Pruned my apple tree

OMG!!!  I was so scared to prune my apple tree today... My local nursery said  that I could and should do it now, while the tree was in a dormant state.  So I got out my sheers and grit my teeth and off I went.  Now I didn't just hack away at it, I googled it and watched multiple videos on the subject and have been staring at it for months deciding which branches to cut. I also added a branch to bend one of the main branches down a bit, it's supposed to be at a 45 degree angle, so I've read.  I am very happy with the end result, it looks a little bare but I was assured that once it starts growing again it will be far happier.  Once I started it wasn't so bad, I actually had fun and could see more and more as to where it needed to be pruned.  I can't wait to see it this summer :) I had 5 apples off this tree last year, hopefully I will get a few more.

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