The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

I have babies!!

I am happy and very excited to report that my petunia's and snapdragons that I collected last year germinated and are coming up out of the ground.  I will no longer buy them if I can help it (unless of course I find one that I just have to have).  I also planted some seeds I collected from my mom's garden, until yesterday I had no idea what they were, I found a great website that shows you the seeds and tells you what they are.  I will post the link. Oh they were hollyhocks btw. My dianthus and double petunias that I bought are also coming up, I have to wait another month or so start my veggies but I am super excited.  This is the first time I've grown plants from scratch on my own :)

And the link for the seeds

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