The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Growing some more herbs

I planted some more herbs this week, it's amazing how quickly you miss gardening when the snow starts to fly.
I really want to have my own fresh herbs for the winter, I know I'm a little late starting them now but better late then never :)
I have to get into the habit of starting herbs continueously so that I always have a fresh crop, so far I haven't done that.  I will grow a batch feel very proud of myself, eat it and then I'm like "now what?" Then I have to wait another 60-70 days before the next harvest is ready.
Most things I've read suggest two week intervals so hopefully I'm going to give that a try, I'm thinking even if I can start a batch once every month that would be sufficient.
So I started from seed, basil, parsley, fern dill, cilantro, oregano, tiny tim tomato and transplanted thyme and rosemary.
I'm excited to see what happens, instead of starting them in starter mix and transplanting I decided to just grow them in potting soil and leave them in those pots until a eat it. Only the tomatoes I will transplant.
I'm going to fertilize regularly this year with organic fertilizer, I haven't in the past when I started thing indoors and I do believe my plants suffered for it.  I will still add the epson salts, worm castings and egg shells but will also fertilize when watering every two weeks or so.  Hopefully that will help.

Well time to listen to a little Christmas music and get some house cleaning done :)

Happy indoor gardening!

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