The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Kitty Proofing

It was a beautiful day today, and my husband bought me a gorgeous Christmas cactus.  I've always wanted one and when I saw this beauty in the local nursery today he picked it up for me.
I'm feeling better about the winter for now, lol. I know that it has just begun but I've set up my light garden for my transplants and with this gorgeous cactus blooming I don't feel so bad.
My amaryllis starting to grow as well so I'm super excited about that, it's also my first one.

Anyway to the kitty proofing.  My cat LOVES plants (what cat doesn't) and he loves to pull them out of their pots, especially new baby plants.  Twice now he has yanked out my thyme transplants, grrrr. Luckily I've only lost two, but still it drives me crazy.  Last year he mowed down all my baby petunias, well this year I wasn't going to let that happen.  Oh and BTW it doesn't matter if I planted him his own cat grass, he still yanks out my light garden plants.
So I brought my little greenhouse I bought last year into the house, set it up in my basement and placed my light garden inside, which works out perfect because I can close the door and it keeps him out and the moisture in.
It's a 5X5 collapsible greenhouse house and I think it will live in my house from now on.  I put my African violets in there too so I can force them to bloom as well :)  I think (hope) to invest in an aluminum or cedar frame greenhouse next year, fingers crossed.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and happy indoor gardening!

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