The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Bonsai update

It's been a little while since I wrote an update on my Bonsai, it's actually doing really well.  I did however loose the little cedar tree I had growing with it.
I'm not quite sure what happened to it but it started to slowly dye and then it just lost all its needles.  I thought maybe I had let it dry out to much but the lemon tree was thriving.
I did find some spider mites in my lemon tree so I'm not sure if that had something to do with it.  Because of the spider mites I did have to give the lemon tree a huge haircut and I really cut the bulk of it out.
You know what they say is true about confidence when you are pruning a tree, you really do just need to go for it.  So I did.
I'm liking the shape much better now and hoping for new growth, I think the topmost branch is almost long enough so I can trim it off.  I'm not quite sure about the lowest branch but for now I'm going to keep it where it is.
I like how quickly the lemon tree grows so if you make a mistake it's not really that bad and will just grow back.  I think it's a great beginner plant for anyone who would like to get into the art of Bonsai.
I'm a total newb and I enjoy working with the lemon tree, also it doesn't hurt that the tree didn't cost me anything because I started it from a grocery store seed.
It will never produce fruit (I don't think anyway) but it's still pretty and a good way to learn.  All the branches are now wired except for one on the back of the tree, it was just to small for the wire at the time.  I will wire it soon however or cut it off, I haven't decided yet.
On a side not, all my spring catalogs have been coming in and I'm drooling and really ready for spring. Especially with this unusually warm weather we have been having, but I know the worst is yet to come because it always does :)

Happy indoor gardening!

Sunday, January 18, 2015


My herbs are doing great, I have three batches on the go all about a month apart.
One batch is in my kitchen window, one batch is in my Aqua Farm and my last batch is in my light garden downstairs.
I think I may have to seed them a little thicker next time, I'm not sure why but I tend to spread out the seeds to much.  I'm kinda following the sowing instructions on the package but because they are not going into the garden and I will be harvesting them fairly young I think I can sow them a lot closer together.
The only one that's not doing fantastic is my parsley, it's in the light garden and it seems a little sad. I started fertilizing it a bit and it was suggested to me that it might be to warm in there for it so I may move it into a window.
I can't wait to start eating my own herbs again.  I'm already just itching for spring, unfortunately I have another 4 months to wait but I'm hanging in there.  I think it's time to take my weekly trip with my friend to the local nursery again soon!

Happy indoor gardening! 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Aqua farm update

As I've said before I really love the Aqua Farm, so I thought I would give you an update on how things were going.

So far so good, Perseus is happy and the water is very clean.  I haven't cleaned the tank yet and the plants are doing well except that I didn't have enough light for the herbs.
They became very leggy as you can see in the picture.  So I added a little light over top of the tank to hopefully help with that problem.

My wheat grass is also looking a little sparse but that's because my cat Zeus (yes I have a thing for Greek gods, lol ) helped himself to it and ate most of it.
I have noticed that since I put the light up the plants have straightened out.

I have planted some strawberry seeds, we will see if they make an appearance :)
I also have been oogling over all the new seed catalogues!  I CAN'T WAIT FOR SPRING!!!

Happy indoor gardening! 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Baby Tomatoes

Happy 2015 everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful Holiday Season!  Mine was very relaxing and I actually found time to play in my light garden a bit.

I transplanted my baby tomato plants that I started from seed at the end of November yesterday. For my soil mix I used organic potting soil,  perlite, sand and worm castings. I'm trying this mixture because I have found that in the past my soil for my plants in the light garden has been a little dense so I'm hoping this will lighten it up a bit and provide good drainage.  Because we all know that tomatoes hate wet feet :)

I also bought some organic seaweed liquid fetilizer because I found that after a month or so my plants in the light garden seem to get a little stunted, so I'm hoping this will help.  It's a very light fertilizer that can be used every time you water, 5-1-1 I believe.  I still haven't perfected my lightgarden growing technique so if anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them.

I really just would love to grow food all year around and not just in our short summer growing season.
Happy gardening!