The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Digging up bulbs and tubers

I started digging up some of my dahlia tubers and lily bulbs. Our zone is too cold to keep them in the ground for the winter, we can get away with 3b but that's about it.
I'm happy to report that all my tubers and bulbs multiplied this year, I'm especially very excited about the calla lilies.  I just hope they will winter nicely, I've never wintered calla lilies before.
My gladiolus's did great last winter, I through them in a paper bag with nothing else in it and they all did great. Last year I put my dahlia tubers in paper bags with moist peat moss but realized that they dried out quickly.  I lost a couple and when I realized how dry they were I was misting them every two weeks, sometimes more.
So this year I put my glads in vegetable bags with moist peat moss and hopefully that will keep them hydrated a bit longer, but I will check on them a bit more often.
My calla lilies I put in paper bags with hamster bedding (soft wood chips) and I will do the same with the glads. Hopefully all goes well this year, I really don't want to replace to many bulbs and tubers.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Rooting some herbs

A couple of weeks ago I went to my first hoticulture society meeting, it was great.  The knowledge in the room was fantastic, I'm going to go a few more times but I'm pretty sure I want to make it a permanent thing.
Anyway I was given some daffodil (narcissi) bulbs and a cutting from a very fragrant cetronella geranium. I've planted my bulbs and put the cutting in water to root it.
I wanted to root some of my other plants that servived the frost we had, some of my herbs.  So as always I went to youtube and watched dozens of propagating videos for rosemary and thyme.
I decided I was going to try to root them in water so that's what I did, we will see what happens in a couple of weeks. I also through some random plant that I love, I can't remember the name of it but when I find the tag I will let you know.

I'm trying to pick the best day of the week for blogging, I would really like to get one entry out every week so that is going to be my goal! 
Also if you would like to follow my Facebook page it's
And don't forget to LIKE it :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

I named a Dahlia

I'm so excited!!!
I entered a "Name that Dahlia" contest and out of 9000 participants my name for the Dahlia was chosen!
Myself along with two other participants came up with the same name, so they put our three names in a hat and drew for the grand prize.
Although I did not receive the grand prize I did get a fabulous consolation prize. $50 gifted certificate and 3 dahlia bulbs for next spring.
Now when people ask me "ooh, what's the name of that dahlia?" I can say, "it's called Dragons Breath and I named it" :)
I can't wait to see it bloom next spring! It's a gorgeous dahlia!

Thank you Veseys for a great contest!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Zucchini Chips

I found a recipe for zucchini chips on Pinterest and decided to give it a whirl.  But instead of  baking them I decided to deep fry them in coconut oil.
Worked out really good, a few of them were still a little mushy but still tasted great.  I made them with sea salt and then another batch with icing sugar, I do like my sweets :) I think I might try baking them next time though.
So here is what I did.

In a large skillet heat enough coconut oil to cover the bottom over low medium heat
Wash your zucchini and slice thinly 
When oil is hot place slices into your skillet ( careful, it splashes)
When they start turning brown, flip them
Let them hang out for another couple of minutes then remove onto a plate with paper towel
Tongs work really well
After oil is mostly absorbed in the paper towel throw them in a bowl and sprinkle your favorite seasoning on it. Enjoy! 

Monday, September 1, 2014

My melons

Yeah! My first melon.. 
This is the first year I have grown melons, not sure if it will finish this year though.  Our weather has started to turn and you can definitely feel fall in the air.
These guys also got a late start, I did start them indoors in my light garden but they received some frost in early June.
They pretty much died off to the ground and started again, but when the hot weather finally did hit they grew very well.
This is a sugar baby melon, I thought I would give it a whirl.  I planted it in a 1'x1'x1 pot with my normal mix that I do for almost anything (the mix is in another post), and it seems to be doing quite well. I'm very interested to taste this sucker :)