The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Test results

I received my results from my blood and urine tests today.  I guess I should explain, there is a wonderful non-profit organization in my town that specializes in prevention medicine.  Made up of naturopaths, nurses and doctors, they do extensive blood and urine analyses to pinpoint any deficiencies in your body.
They do the same tests that your family doctor does when he/she thinks there might be something wrong but go into way more detail, testing every little thing.
Pretty much any test you can think of they do.  Upon receiving your results they make recommendations on how to go about correcting any concerns that have come up. 
Living in the north we are all vitamin D deficient, so it was no surprise when that came back low.
Otherwise my vitamins and minerals were all pretty good.
In the heavy metal department I have high amounts of lead in my system, so I have a follow up appointment with a naturopath to help reduce it. Otherwise no heavy metals were detected.
I do have elevated cholesterol so I have to work on that, upping my omega 3's and my vitamin D intake will help with that.  Since my diet has already changed and I'm no longer eating fast or processed foods I'm half way there, but my overall risk for heart disease is minimal and I want to keep it that way.
It would have been interesting to test before my diet change and then now, but I guess I will just have to wait a year :)
I had a low glutathione level, which is the body's major detoxifying protein.  So I will be working on raising those levels as well.  Apparently eating animal proteins helps with that... SWEET!!
But overall my health status is very good, and all other body functions are in great shape. I test again in a year so it will be interesting to compare the results.
This is an amazing organization and I'm very lucky to be apart of it!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

This weather

This winter has been something else, of course we did have an amazing summer and last winter was pretty mild, so we can't really complain.
It's warming up again and should be back in the +'s by this weekend, what a roller coaster. 
I find it a bit difficult to eat primal in the winter, I don't like to eat salads and cold veggies when it's freezing outside.  I really need to find some good warm soothing winter food.  I love chillies and soups, but I also loved them with dumplings, beans, rice, homemade bread and potatoes.  And because my goal is still weight loss, I'm trying to stay away from those things.  For the most part I have given up wheat completely, although I do occasionally indulge in birthday cake or a donut from Krispy Kreme  ;). YES I said Krispy Kreme,  I'm sorry but Timmies donuts just don't compare.  The coffee, well that's  another story.
With that however comes consequences, since giving up wheat I get pretty bad headaches and bloat when I do indulge so that's becoming less frequent.
So tonight I leave you with an image from my very first raspberry off of my raspberry bush from last year  :) can't wait to see them again!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Something to keep my mind off the cold

One of my creations from last year :)
I needed something pretty to look at today since it was another day of -40C.  I'm telling you spring can't come fast enough for me.  
I loved building this little fairy house and garden, I'm hoping it will make it through the winter ok so I can add to it this year.  That tree trunk beside the fairy house is my very own apple tree, even though it only produced 5 apples last year, they were some of the best tasting apples I've had.  
I'm going to have to prune it this year, should be interesting.  Never pruned a tree before but I've been watching you tube video's and reading online tips so should be interesting ;). I will let you all know how it turns out, pics and maybe a video.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Just a quick hey!

So it was -27C with a windchill of -42C today.. 
The moment you stepped outside it took your breath away, it's a wonder anything survives through our winters.  But it does.
Hopefully this won't last long, according to the weather forecast its supposed to warm up by Wednesday. So I figure we have about a 50% chance of that being true ;) 
Nothing overly exciting happening tonight, just a nice steak dinner with brussel sprouts (yes I love them) we did however just come home from walleyball which is always a great time.
Well time to go warm up with a nice hot shower before dinner, night!

Sunday, January 27, 2013


So brownies done!  
I did use almond flour but I used 1 C instead of 1/2, I find that the almond flour makes it more brownie like whereas the coconut flower is more cake like. 
I just tasted it and I do like it, I might try to use both coconut flour and almond next time because I do like the cake consistency better.  But I do find using just coconut flour gives it a little bit of a chalky texture, not sure if chalky is the right word but it's all I can think of.
Anyway I might experiment with a frosting, maybe cocoa powder, honey and butter.
Sounds promising ;)
But first, the orchids..

Here's that link again

What to do on a cold winter day

Like I said, I'm in the gardening mood :) Of course today the temperature dropped back to -20C so I'm feeling a little sorry for myself.  With a windchill of -30C there's really nothing to do but hang out inside, so I think I'm going to give my Orchids a bath and possibly make some zucchini brownies.
What does bathing my orchids have to do with primal gardening you ask.  Honestly, nothing really but the primal lifestyle has everything to do with doing something that makes you happy, so I bathe my orchids :)
As for the brownies, they are primal and one of the most moist and delicious brownies I've ever had.
Here's the link

I might try it with almond flour this time, I will let you know how it turns out.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sweet Omelette

Occasionally I will post recipes that I find interesting or just plain yummy to look at or eat ;)

So here's an old favorite of mine, my dad used to make this for us when we were kids as a treat.  It's pretty primal and called

The Sweet Omelette!!

3 eggs (2 might suffice) 
1/2 Tbsp Agave Nectar - to taste
Cinnamon (a sprinkle or a pinch)
1 Tbsp butter

I'm not a stickler for exacts ;)

Separate egg whites and yolks, beat egg whites until fluffy and so they peak when you lift the beaters out.  Put saucepan on medium heat and add butter. Add agave nectar to the yolks and beat with a fork, then beat into the egg whites. Don't over beat.. Pour into saucepan and cook for 3-5 min, until bottom browns. Sprinkle cinnamon on the eggs in the pan.  Your omelette should slide out nicely onto your plate, and ta da.. Enjoy!

My first post

So my very first post. I have no idea what I'm doing so this is just for fun. I'm getting in the gardening mood again, unfortunately I have another 3-4 months to wait :(
I'm very excited to be starting my veggie garden this year, along with all my flowers of course. But I will be adding raised garden boxes to my back yard for the vegetables. Being in northern BC our growing season is short but the right veggies grow very well here.
It's going to be an experiment, I will be trying all kinds of things. Some will work and I'm sure some won't, but either way I will have fun doing it.
Anyway I will be posting my results and what works for me and what doesn't, please feel free to give me suggestions and ideas :)

Will write soon,