The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

What to do on a cold winter day

Like I said, I'm in the gardening mood :) Of course today the temperature dropped back to -20C so I'm feeling a little sorry for myself.  With a windchill of -30C there's really nothing to do but hang out inside, so I think I'm going to give my Orchids a bath and possibly make some zucchini brownies.
What does bathing my orchids have to do with primal gardening you ask.  Honestly, nothing really but the primal lifestyle has everything to do with doing something that makes you happy, so I bathe my orchids :)
As for the brownies, they are primal and one of the most moist and delicious brownies I've ever had.
Here's the link

I might try it with almond flour this time, I will let you know how it turns out.

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