The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

This weather

This winter has been something else, of course we did have an amazing summer and last winter was pretty mild, so we can't really complain.
It's warming up again and should be back in the +'s by this weekend, what a roller coaster. 
I find it a bit difficult to eat primal in the winter, I don't like to eat salads and cold veggies when it's freezing outside.  I really need to find some good warm soothing winter food.  I love chillies and soups, but I also loved them with dumplings, beans, rice, homemade bread and potatoes.  And because my goal is still weight loss, I'm trying to stay away from those things.  For the most part I have given up wheat completely, although I do occasionally indulge in birthday cake or a donut from Krispy Kreme  ;). YES I said Krispy Kreme,  I'm sorry but Timmies donuts just don't compare.  The coffee, well that's  another story.
With that however comes consequences, since giving up wheat I get pretty bad headaches and bloat when I do indulge so that's becoming less frequent.
So tonight I leave you with an image from my very first raspberry off of my raspberry bush from last year  :) can't wait to see them again!

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