The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Bee update

My first hole is plugged!!  Well that didn't sound dirty at all did it, lol. 
It's been less then two weeks since I released my bees and they have been busy working around my yard.  I walked up to the bee house yesterday and saw that one of the holes in the nesting trays was plugged.

This is so cool,  I can't believe it's all working out so fantastically. Now hopefully with a little more luck I will have cacoons to dig out in the fall!

The only problem I'm having is that all my fruit trees seem to be late this year, they are barely in bud. Except my one cherry tree, it's about to bloom but if none of the others go I'm afraid I won't get cherries on it again this year :(

Either way I am totally excited about my bees! They really are a joy to watch.

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