The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Still blooming

So it's been just over a month and they are still in a beautiful bloom! 
One of my other orchids is about to bloom as well, I will post a picture when it does.  I don't remember what color it is, lol.

It's been so busy that I have completely forgotten to write. My house has exploded with plants and I'm finding I'm having a little trouble keeping up.  I have a little plastic greenhouse set up outside but it's been pretty cold in the evenings so I have put a heater in it for at night.  I still don't trust it completely so I only have bulbs out there right now, I would be devastated if I move all my petunias, snapdragons and marigolds out there and they froze one night.

I did start my veggies, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, peppers, cauliflower and celeriac. But again they have grown so big in two weeks under my lights that I need to transplant again but am running out of room!  I might just pop them in the green house because if I loose them I can start over, my flowers not so much.
Well have a fabulous Sunday everyone!

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