The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Coffee Bar

This is a recipe that my husband and I created.  We really like coffee cake so we tried to create something similar in a primal way :)
It only takes about 15min to make and no baking required.


1 C pecans
1 C Almonds
1/4 C Butter (salted or unsalted) we prefer unsalted
1/4 C Coconut Oil
2 Tbsp finely ground coffee (we like pacific pipeline from kicking horse)
1 Tbsp Honey


Any type of dark chocolate, 75% or higher.  If using 100% add a little honey.

Place nuts in a food processor and process until you have your desired consistency. Add to a mixing bowl. Melt butter and oil, then add to bowl along with the honey and coffee. Stir until all ingredients are mixed well. Line a 9X9 pan with wax paper and pour in mixture. Melt chocolate and drizzle over your coffee bar, place in fridge for an hour or so then cut into desired squares. Keep refrigerated.

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