The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Homemade deodorant

I have searched high and low for a deodorant that works well and isn't full of chemicals and perfumes.  I don't like antiperspirants because they clog your pores and don't allow you to sweat, now I know none of us like pit stains but let's consider the alternative.  We were designed to sweat, to release toxins through sweating, now I don't know about you but I'm inclined to allow my body to do what's natural.  Also antiperspirants have a bunch of things I can't pronounce in them so I decided I wanted something more natural.
Eating clean has helped a lot with my own odor which is pretty exciting to me, but after a day of being outside I've been known to be a little rank ;). 
I have tried many kinds of natural deodorants and have found you need to reapply several times throughout the day to make sure that you're covered. I didn't love the idea of carrying my pit stick with me all day, so after years of searching I finally decided to make my own.  I went to my iPad and searched for homemade deodorant and came up with a few recipes very quickly.  This one is my favorite.

I followed their instructions and having been using the second recipe for about 3 months, made a new batch today. I love it and don't have to reapply during the day.

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