The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Update on forced bulbs

So far so good!  The bulbs are doing great and I added a few daffodil bulbs as well. I did notice a little mould on a couple of the bulbs and made sure I didn't water them for a few days.  It's very tempting to add water but I have to refrain from doing so.
This was the stage I got my tulips to last year before I killed them with to much water.
As you can see my narcissus is doing really well, and the daffodils are starting too.  Not sure about the Hyacinthus, but it does look like they have some growth.
I think the most important thing is to make sure to keep the water well away from the bulbs, even though it's tempting to fill the water right to the bulbs.
It's a nice little piece of green in my living room because as you can see in the background I have a lot of snow.
Happy Sunday :)

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