The Albino Moose

The Albino Moose
Don't worry, I didn't eat her!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Fern

Let me start off by saying I've never had luck with ferns..  I try so hard and every time they die, I've tried low light, I've tried bright light, I've tried keeping them damp, I've tried letting them dry out a bit, I've taking them to the shower with me, I've spritzed them, I've talked to them, I've sang to them and nothing.  They always died in the end.
So when I told my husband I wanted another fern I got the look, you know the one ;)
He said I could try one more time, but that's it.  So I'm going to get this sucker to live no matter what.
I have it in bright indirect sunlight and I've fertilized it with a little Epsom salt and I try to spritz it everyday.  I've done this now for a few months, and so far so good.
Although the underbelly of the beast was looking a little sad the top is healthy and growing.  I gave it a haircut and transplanted a little shoot that had started on what looked like a new plant on the side of the pot.
Maybe my bad luck with ferns is over, fingers crossed :)

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